Young Leaders

All those young people who help out with Groups should register in the Young Leader Scheme

The first of many training weekends was held recently, watch this space for future opportunities .

To Register a Young Leader, use this form a Young Leader may be an Explorer Scout or a young person wishing to complete the service part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme with a body other than The Scout Association.

Select Young Person (14-18) – Volunteering Enquiry.

Joining Enquiries Form

This form is for joining and volunteering enquiry, please complete the form here or click contact us and select another form so we can help route your query to the best volunteer to respond.

About You

Tell us about you so we can get in touch about this form, or find your nearest group/unit.

About the Young Person

Enter the details for the person that wants to join below. If you know the group or section you are interested in, please select it, otherwise enter a postcode and a date of birth then we can help!

Note: The Squirrels Section is only available at a small number of Groups :- 12th Warrington East (1st Birchwood in Locking Stumps), 9th Warrington East (Gorse Covert), 27 th Warrington East (Woolston) and 13th Warrington East (St Elphin’s Own) in Howley, at present. We hope to launch more Squirrels Dreys soon.

Young Leader Volunteering

Some information to help us find the right section and group for you to join

Volunteering Information

Some questions about how you'd like to volunteer

Ok, that's not a problem, we have lots of ways you can volunteer, just tell us a bit about what you enjoy or might be interested in using the "Anything else?" box below, and we'll contact you with some ideas to dicuss it futher.

That's great! If you know more specifically where or what you'd like to do (e.g. type of work, or what section, days of the week you can do, or any specific groups you're interested in), please tell us more in the "Anything else?" box below.

If you have specific tasks, hours etc in mind, please enter them into the "Anything else?" box below

Ok, please tell us a bit about what you'd like to do using the "Anything else?" box below, and we'll contact you to dicuss it futher.

Anything else?

Is there anything else you'd like to tell us, or any adjustments we need to consider as we welcome you to Scouts? Any questions or anything else you’d like to tell us about?