The new digital system is now live, if you are a member of the Scout Association please proceed to to log in as soon as you can.

Group Trustee

When: Flexible times, to suit your needs - usually monthly meetings. Where: At the following Groups/Units
3rd Warrington East (1st Culcheth) Scout Group
Culcheth Scout Centre
Jackson Ave
Contact: Christine Housby Contact Email: Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Like all charities, the Scout Group is of necessity administered by its trustees. The fundamental trustee roles are Chair, Secretary and Treasurer but other trustees are need to help with the decision making, building management, and all of the other tasks associated with running a successful Group.

Are you willing to share your time to help a local Group, make new friends and have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping young people in your area? Contact us via the form below:-

Express Interest in Volunteering

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